Friday 27 January 2012

Meeting No. 1

In preparation for our first meeting with Mike, the DFGA programme leader, we came together as a group and with the help of Lorenzo settled on what will need to be discussed. This being my first collaborative brief with such a high demand for a product of real quality I was slightly apprehensive about the responsibilties we would have to take on, and of course the basic plan of action. It turns out I'm not the only one though, and as a group we have settled on the following topics to discuss.

Before and during the meeting Maya was assigned note taker and the things that where discussed can be seen below.

Discuss formats, sizes and pages.
Ask to see yearbook work (or alternative) from previous years.
Any other media considerations?
Any screen/web-based material too?
Any do's/don't's?
How images will be converted from screen to print format successfully
Mood/tone of voice
Is the focus just on the graduating students or like a mini prospectus?
Any processes they are interested in using to explore the relationship between print and screen. QR code for each student to link to online content. Ways of showing digital work.

One point of contact
Contact report (agreements, deadlines, etc.)
What's administrative, what's design related, and what overlaps?
What do I need to start designing?
A range of the shortest name, longest name, styles of work, large images, small images, etc.
Negotiating images as FMP won't be finished by the time images are needed for the yearbook.
QR code can link to finished pieces.
Ways of showing digital/screen-based work.
Regular contact with the course leader. 
Most of the meetings will probably take place in the first 4-6weeks.
Create a grid to use.
The layout can still vary, particularly with the use of reversed out sections, the use of white space, etc. 
Gate folds, pull outs, etc.

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